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Oyster aquaculture in Sado river


The Sado and Mira river find good natural conditions for oyster production. The project´s goal is to enhance and promote the oyster aquaculture by monitoring the production and hence creating new scientific knowledge about the growth, reproduction and living conditions.
The project will help the aquaculture companies create a regional trademark and it will also promote the excellent regional product while increasing the sales on the national and international markets.
The project is co-financed by the European Union and the Portuguese government.
Project team from:
Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal (Coordinator)
Escola Superior de Tecnologia  de Setúbal,
Escola Superior de  Ciências Empresarias e
Escola Superior de Saúde
Instituto Politécnico de Beja
Escola Superior Agrária
Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera (IPMA)
Estação Piloto de Piscicultura de Olhão (EPPO)
Estação Experimental de Moluscicultura de Tavira (EEMT)
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Description and objectives


The project aims to map the natural oyster banks and oyster aquaculture, measuring the parameters in the natural environment (water, sediment and other living organisms) that can affect oyster production (growth and reproduction)  to ensure the maximum  quality of final product (nutritional and sensory value).




Investment: 180.891,66€

Total eligible cost: 149.932,16€

Co-financed: 96.938,61€

FEDER: 69.780,82€

OE: 56.193,89€

Project execution 


From 02-01-2018 until 04-07-2019

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